
Visualizzazione dei post da luglio, 2014

Natura misteriosa: quando lo schifo diventa delizioso

Escrementi di pesce pappagallo: le bianche e incantevoli spiagge maldiviane. Viscido vomito d'ape: il dolce miele. Olezzanti muffe verdognole: cremoso gorgonzola. Esecrabili organismi vermiformi: candido yogurt. Laida bava d'insetto: liscia seta. Aborti avicoli uniti a strisce di tessuti adiposi bruciacchiati: uova strapazzate con pancetta. Odorose secrezioni ghiandolari: latte. Corrosivi succhi gastrici uniti a vaste quantità di secrezioni ghiandolari: formaggio. Grotteschi escrementi di lieviti, uniti a stantia frutta schiacciata: vino. Orrido liquame preistorico custodito in oscuri e profondi antri: petrolio, l'energia che ha mosso il mondo nell'ultimo secolo. Di Renato Brunetta non ho ancora capito quale sia la prodigiosa funzione nascosta dalla sua assai più evidente nefandezza.

Who is Dan Bilzerian?

We want to know who the hell is Dan Bilzerian , so let's begin with his father: Paul Bilzerian . Paul is definitely a particular man. He's now an ex corporate takeover specialist who faced a long fight against the US authorities and the SEC ( Security Exchange Commission ), that's to say the controlling authority of the US financial sector. At the beginning Paul was sentenced to 4 years in jail and fined $1.5 million and to give back $62 millions illegally obtained. This compares Paul to the best wolves of Wall Street . If you know what I mean. Obviously, Paul, has never been close to give back what he supposedly stole to his country and he eventually decided to intimidate a federal judge. What a wise decision! At this point, he realized that moving abroad could be the right decision so he literally bought the St. Kitts ' citizenship, in the Caribbean, where he can do whatever he wants and where taxes are as scary as Mikey Mouse. Now is Dan's turn: billionaire, ex